Monday, September 3, 2012

It's time.

Guess who's gonna try to get back into this blogging thing again?  I know, I know... you don't believe me.  I haven't written a post since January!  Well, believe it cause you're about to read it.

I'm actually sitting in my living room on this fine Labor Day laboring away on lesson plans.  How fun, right?  And you know I must've been having a good ol' time since I stopped what I was doing to start up my blog again.  It's just like when I was in college & I had to study or write a paper.  I'd suddenly find myself cleaning, organizing or doing anything other than what I was supposed to be working on.  So, we can thank my aversion to writing lesson plans for kick starting my blog again.

I've wanted to pick back up w/writing for a while now but shrugged the idea off for a couple of reasons.  I didn't know what to write about.  I couldn't figure out where to start.  I felt like it needed to be worthy of posting or what was the point?   

And then it hit me.  

How often are we like this in life?

Raise your hand if you've ever stopped yourself from doing something b/c you didn't know how or where to start? 

I tend to take on a lot of responsibilities b/c I'm "young and single" so there are times when I have a little too much on my plate.  I remember a specific point in life this year when I felt like I had too much going on & had no idea how it was gonna get done.  I became overwhelmed and asked myself , "How am I going to get this all done?  When am I going to get this done? "  Then I realized, I was trying to do it all on my own strength, by myself.  So, I did what I knew I had to do.  I prayed.  And in that moment, I heard the Lord speak to me.  

"You aren't going to get all of this done on your own.  
Ask me.  I'll help you.  Take it one day at a time."  

And so I did...  I asked!  I cannot tell you what a burden was lifted.  Everything was put into perspective; my outlook on every situation changed.   I woke up the next day feeling confident knowing that the Lord was w/me guiding me along the way. Instead of trying to juggle it all at once on my own, I took small steps w/the Lord's peace & guidance.  And guess what? It all got done! Looking back, I see how hard I made it for myself  by taking God out of the picture.  It wasn't something I intentionally did either.  I think we forget who we have to call on sometimes & we forget to ask.

So, today, I want to encourage you to take a step towards that thing in your life that you've been avoiding or putting off.  Go ahead and do whatever it is that you've always wanted to.  Whether it be to start working towards your dreams, or to accomplish your goals, or to confront sin in your life... take a step forward.  It doesn't matter what it is, just ask the Lord to help you, lead you & guide you towards your next step... and He will! He's been there all along.  He's just waiting for you to call on Him.  

And as for me, I'll get back to writing a blog again... one post at a time, right? 

 It's time we start doing something!


  1. That was really inspirational. I didn't even know I needed to hear that message but after reading your words I feel so inspired to start doing the things I need to do. Are you sure you are not a motivational speaker? lol Anyways, you seem pretty awesome and I hope this blog continues! :)
