Sunday, September 9, 2012

don't be fooled.

Me, a healthy eater.  Now that's a funny one. 

When it comes to eating, I have strange eating habits. I am a major carbaholic & I eat like a kid. Chips, tortillas, pasta, bread.  I could live off that stuff.  If someone made me give up carbs, I'd die of starvation.  

The other day after work, I went into the gas station & got a snack which consisted of a bag of chips and a soda.  For some reason, the cashier guy gave me a weird look when I set my things on the counter - like maybe I should've gone for something more... healthy perhaps?  I mean, was it really that strange?  We're talking about a gas station here.

I think there is a big misconception about me.  I'm often shocked when I hear myself being described as a "healthy eater" and that I "love to workout."  It's quite laughable, really.  And if you know me well enough, you find that just as amusing.

And if I had a doller for every time someone tried to set me up with a guy who "loves to workout too!!" I'd be rich!  ;)  But the fact is, when I hear that, my mind goes into panic mode... Oh no, if he likes to workout then that means I have to watch what I eat around him and we'll be talking about protein shakes and bench presses!

You may be thinking to yourself, but you run a lot!  Yes.  I do run consistently.  And most of the time, it's purely for training purposes.  I run 1/2 marathons once or twice a year.  I have "fun" with running when I have a goal in mind.  But don't be fooled.  That's about all I do.  I like to be in shape and I wish I had the discipline to stick to a consistent workout plan.  But sadly, I don't.  It's not that I despise working out or that I never do,  I just think people have gotten the wrong impression about me & are often surprised when they find out the scary truth. ;)

All in all, I don't sit in front of the TV all the time eating bowls of ice cream (although that does sound good right now) but I also don't wake up at the crack of dawn to workout and drink a protien shake.   I think there should be a balance and that's what I aim for... a nice balanced lifestyle. 

So, next time you see me eating nachos or chowin on some TCBY... don't look so surprised!! ;)

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